What is the relationship between %COHb and %FCOHb?

The relationship between %COHb and %FCOHb explained

%COHb Calculation: The devices use an algorithm to estimate the percentage of carbon monoxide in the blood (%COHb) based on breath CO levels (in parts per million, or ppm). The formula is derived from research that provides a linear relationship between ppm and %COHb. This helps to show users how much carbon monoxide may be present in their blood after smoking.

%FCOHb Calculation: To estimate fetal carbon monoxide levels (%FCOHb) in pregnant women, we use data from a separate study. While the original data is non-linear, we've simplified it into a more user-friendly linear format to make it easier to communicate the risks of smoking during pregnancy.

In short, the relationship between ppm, %COHb, and %FCOHb is based on separate studies, as there isn't a single clinical study linking all three together.

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