NObreath Device Constantly Gives 0ppb

Why is my NObreath device constantly giving readings of 0ppb?

nObreath-0-readingThis is an issue that occurs when the drying cartridge is missing or disconnected. To fix this, take the service hatch off, check that the drying cartridge is present and fully located into the device, then just re-close service hatch.

This could be a result of your pump not running correctly, you will need to charge your device fully to correct your pump. Please ensure the mouthpiece was connected properly during the test and didn't disconnect and keep all vent holes clear when performing a test.

Alcohol contaminations will affect the Nitric Oxide electro chemical sensor inside the device. Ensure no VOC's are used on the device and accessories related to the device, this includes any alcohol based products and spraying any aerosols/room spray near where the device is used.

Readings of 0ppb could be the result of a lost span in the sensor. You can check this by actioning the following steps:

  • With the device switched on, press the settings icon indicated by the cog symbol
  • Press the service settings icon indicated by the cog and spanner icon
  • Press the diagnostics icon indicated by the stethoscope
  • Press the next page icon indicated by the arrow pointing to the right
  • ‘CAL SPAN’ is shown at the top of the screen and should show a minimum number of 500.0
  • If the number is less than this, then the sensor has lost its span

If your sensor has lost its span, please contact Bedfont or your local distributor.

You should also try checking that NO scrubber is present and fully located in the device.

If the problem persists or has not been resolved by the information provided above, please contact Bedfont or your local distributor for more advice.