How Safe Is The NObreath Against COVID-19 And Other Viruses?

Is the NObreath safe against COVID-19 and other viruses?

Bedfont are the only breath analysis company to use Antimicrobial Technology within it's plastics and your NObreath is no different. The anti-microbial technology has properties that boost infection control offering a low cost, long lifetime mouthpiece with an efficiency rate of >99% (bacteria) and >98% (viruses).

Unlike other lung function tests there is no need to inhale through the device, further increasing infection control. After each patient, you can use the non-alcohol wipes, recommended by Bedfont, that have been proven to kill novel coronavirus. For a full list of recommended cleaning wipes and solutions, please visit: Cleaning Bedfont Monitors

 If the problem persists or has not been resolved by the information provided above, please contact your local distributor for more information. Find out who your local distributor is from our website here